

Nickelback to ruin Detroit's Thanksgiving

Nothing says “Happy Thanksgiving” like a table filled with America’s favorite feasting foods, reuniting with your favorite dysfunctional family members and hearing the sweet sounds of Nickelback, serenading you as you munch away on a plateful of turkey.

That’s how Detroit might celebrate Thanksgiving, at least. Just when you thought sitting with your family and/or your in-laws was bad, the Motor City found a different way to torture you on the holidays.

The band known for their overplayed music and horrendous voices, that make Rebecca Black and Miley Cyrus sound like Celine Dion and Whitney Houston, are not occupying Wall Street, but plan on occupying Detroit’sThanksgiving game half time show.

Come on, Detroit. You’re already known for being the worst team in football history (once upon a time), your 0-16 record engraved on the Pro Football Hall of Fame for the rest of eternity. You really need to punish your 6-2 team and your excited fans with Nickelback? Really? Do you have ears? Go out and celebrate that awesome record with.

Fans are so upset, they are signing an online petition to have the Lions boot the band back to Canada.

Can’t you please your city with Eminem, Kid Rock, Bob Seger, Alice Cooper or show a little respect with Aretha Franklin?

This is America. Nickelback doesn’t even celebrate Thanksgiving! Reason 23135 why they should come.

Maybe Baby Jesus will bless the city with an early Christmas miracle. Let’s celebrate America with football, food and good music—with a band that actually celebrates Thanksgiving and that doesn't sound like an elephant slowly dying.


  1. I'm not sure how Nickleback was once so popular, but also so hated. They got some boos, but thank god they only played one song.

  2. I actually attended the game and watched the performance at halftime. There was mixed emotions, but the resounding opinion was that a better musician or band could have played. They only played one song and I could hardly even hear them perform. It seemed like a huge waste of time in general and I think that it was a mistake.

  3. Well in responsive to some of the previous poster on this story why would Nickleback be motivated to give a great performance in a city that started a petition that garnered 50,000+ signatures for them to NOT play at the venue?
