

A Night with Ke$ha

Glitter-covered eyes, stockings ripped all up the side, teased hair, smurf lipstick, and the stench of a couple bottles of Jack. If you ever find yourself lost in a crowd like this, you know you're only at one place: a Ke$ha concert.

Ke$ha hosted a sold out party at Central Michigan University on Feb. 25 as part of her first headlining tour "Get Sleazy." Kids off all ages packed into the McGuirk Arena, hoping to dance the night away with 2010 biggest selling artist. Yes, kids of all ages. Mostly drunken college students, but even an 8-year-old girl somehow snagged front row lower bowl tickets.

But from a college kid's perspective and old enough fans, Ke$ha delivered better than people would expect.

"I came here to party," she told the crowd. "Are you guys ready to party?"

She didn't let the audience down. Energetic, some drunk, some not, pushed their way closer to the stage the very second the arena lights dimmed to black. Ke$ha  played with synthesizers, electric guitars (who knew she could do that?), and even busted out a theremin, an instrument where you place your hands next to a beam and control the frequency and volume (listen to "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys).

Society has underestimated her. America has only seen her struggle through her performances on TV, but much surprise to those Ke$ha haters, her vocals were spot on, never sounded out of tune and were enjoyable. She shot glitter into the audience with her glitter cannons, she even brought a guy up on stage, saran wrapped him to a chair for her song "Grow a Pear" were a dancing pear came out to join the party.

One of the highlights of the night was when Ms. Jack Daniels slowed it down and showed the crowd a little bit of her sensitive side when she performed her newest and rarest slow song, "The Harold Song."

Although the show was a success and Ke$ha proved anyone who has doubted her that they were wrong, the parents who brought their 8-year-old daughter to the show needed to go. At what point do parents get that Ke$ha is not Taylor Swift, or Miley Cyrus pre salvia smoking days? Have they heard the opening line to "Tik Tok?" Have they heard the sexual innuendos in "Blah Blah Blah?" Maybe they understood after the dance party that Ke$ha is not what an 8-year-old should be listening to, let alone, allowing her go to a concert where F bombs dropped all over the place from her horrible, hillbilly opener Beardo, singing songs about how he snorted cocaine at age 11 and saying "F--- school" in one of his songs. Maybe it was when Ke$ha came out talking about past sexual experiences (except for she used a more vulgar term to refer to the act) or the dancing penis on stage during "Grow a Pear."  The 8-year-old girl probably had a reality check when her idol smashed an Elmo pinata with a bat. You're not on Sesame Street anymore, 8-Year-Old Girl. Welcome to a Ke$ha party.

So parents, don't expect Ke$ha to catered to your bad parenting. She will continued to sing about drinking, dancing and partying. Your 8-year-old is  not cordially invited unless if you want her to learn some interesting vocabulary terms.

As for her "Get Sleazy Tour" it's definitely worth your money and will be one of the most entertaining concerts you will go to.

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